InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinReading Ralph Waldo EmersonAn invitation to natureOct 2, 2023Oct 2, 2023
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinMid-life Career ChangesYou CAN change careers and be successfulJul 3, 2023Jul 3, 2023
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinSearching For More SpirituallyAnd perhaps finding it in OrthodoxyApr 4, 20232Apr 4, 20232
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinEmbracing Mystery And WonderLiving in the tension of faith and doubtMar 13, 20231Mar 13, 20231
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinWhy Are We The Worst To Those We Love Most?Lessons on love from St PaulMar 11, 20233Mar 11, 20233
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinA Surprise Lenten JourneyStumbling into studying Eastern OrthodoxyMar 7, 20232Mar 7, 20232
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinThere’s So Much MoreLearning from other religious traditionsMar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinShingles (The Roof Kind)A shingle from our roof blew off in a storm.May 2, 20221May 2, 20221
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinThe Quality Of Your MindYou’ve probably heard the saying, You are what you eat.Apr 1, 20221Apr 1, 20221
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinFearMy mom had a saying about fear when I was young.Apr 1, 20221Apr 1, 20221
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinAttention SpansConsistently writing short form is affecting my attention span.Mar 30, 20225Mar 30, 20225
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinYou Are More Than Your JobWe live in a society in which our identity and sense of self-worth are often closely linked with how we earn a living.Mar 29, 20224Mar 29, 20224
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinDiscomfortMost of us don’t like feeling uncomfortable.Mar 28, 20221Mar 28, 20221
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinTimeMaybe it’s because I turn 45 this year and officially become “middle-aged.”Mar 27, 20222Mar 27, 20222
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinQuestionsThe most important skills I learned in grad school and seminary were cultivating a life of the mind and a passion for life-long learning.Mar 26, 20221Mar 26, 20221
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinSelf-NarrativesThe narratives we subscribe to profoundly form and shape us.Mar 24, 20222Mar 24, 20222
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinHow We Talk To OurselvesI say things to myself about myself that I’d never say to anyone else about them.Mar 6, 2022Mar 6, 2022
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinSunriseThe other day I was driving east on the I-80/90 toll road, the usual route for my morning commute.Mar 2, 20222Mar 2, 20222