Sam OchsteinWhen Daily Meetings Go AwryWhat happened when I lost my cool in our daily quality huddleAug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinMid-life Career ChangesYou CAN change careers and be successfulJul 3, 2023Jul 3, 2023
InAscent PublicationbySam OchsteinReinventing Yourself | Formerly ReverendI’m 41 and in my fifth careerMar 11, 20192Mar 11, 20192
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinWriting Your SynopsisRecently, I realized I spend a lot of time writing my synopsis.Jan 26, 20221Jan 26, 20221
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinUnfulfilled DreamsI knew I wanted to be a college professor when I was 19.Jan 9, 20222Jan 9, 20222
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinFinding Your PurposeI’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my purpose in life and seeking to discover it.Jan 25, 20222Jan 25, 20222
InThe ShortformbySam OchsteinWorking Man’s Ph.D.My dad worked in the scrap business.Jan 19, 20223Jan 19, 20223
Sam OchsteinWhat’s Your Reset Button? | Formerly ReverendA few weeks ago I was walking the aisles of our customer service contact center where I work in customer service development. It’s a daily…Mar 18, 2019Mar 18, 2019
InAscent PublicationbySam OchsteinDebunking the Myths that Keep us from Self-Care|Formerly ReverendThe lies we tell ourselves and how to overcome themApr 22, 20191Apr 22, 20191
InAscent PublicationbySam OchsteinParalysis By Analysis | Formerly ReverendStop deliberating and start livingApr 15, 2019Apr 15, 2019
InAlternative PerspectivesbySam OchsteinYou Are What You ReadA reading strategy to be a better you in 2022Jan 10, 20222Jan 10, 20222
InClear Yo MindbySam OchsteinAre You A Doer Or A Thinker?Living in your head is letting life pass you byDec 25, 2021Dec 25, 2021
Sam OchsteinDiscovering and Doing More Great Work | Formerly ReverendRecently I read Michael Bungay Stanier’s 2010 book Do More Great Work. I know. I know. I’m behind the times. But this is totally…Mar 4, 20191Mar 4, 20191
Sam OchsteinThe Golden Rule For Providing Exceptional CS and CX | Formerly ReverendI work in customer service development for a global manufacturer. So CS (customer service) and CX (customer experience) are constantly on…Apr 3, 2019Apr 3, 2019
Sam OchsteinHow a Book Discussion Shaped Our Business Culture (Part 1) | Formerly ReverendAnd how it can transform yoursMay 29, 2019May 29, 2019