InThe MemoiristbySam OchsteinThings I Think AboutDeath, addiction, and the meaning of life — maybe you do tooNov 20, 202114Nov 20, 202114
InThe MemoiristbySam OchsteinOur Dog Is DyingReflecting on 13 years of life and loveDec 13, 20217Dec 13, 20217
InThe MemoiristbySam OchsteinNo One Wants To Make This DecisionA reflection on euthanized petsDec 20, 20214Dec 20, 20214
Sam OchsteinThe Way of Jesus Is The Way of Love and InclusivityI think love and inclusivity are the central virtues of Jesus’s kingdom vision. I’ve thought this for quite a while. And it’s a…Dec 4, 20197Dec 4, 20197
Sam OchsteinThe Faith to Doubt | Formerly ReverendWhy wrestling with questions and doubt is more than okay. It’s biblical.Mar 14, 20194Mar 14, 20194
InThe MemoiristbySam OchsteinOur Puppy is Scared of EverythingAdventures navigating the irrational fears of a dogNov 28, 20214Nov 28, 20214
InThe MemoiristbySam OchsteinLies We Tell OurselvesAddicts are notorious liars and self-deceiversFeb 20, 20226Feb 20, 20226
Sam OchsteinWhy I’ve Always Struggled with Life Verses | Formerly ReverendThe darker side of Scripture has tended to resonate more than happy promisesApr 8, 20191Apr 8, 20191
InInterfaith NowbySam OchsteinHow Striving To Be A “Successful” Pastor Nearly Destroyed MeWhat happens when celebrity-status and businessy KPIs infiltrate the churchMar 4, 20202Mar 4, 20202
InAscent PublicationbySam OchsteinReinventing Yourself | Formerly ReverendI’m 41 and in my fifth careerMar 11, 20192Mar 11, 20192
Sam OchsteinWhen God’s Vengeance and Recompense Are Good News | Formerly ReverendHow Jesus transforms the fire and fury of judgmentDec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
InAscent PublicationbySam OchsteinParalysis By Analysis | Formerly ReverendStop deliberating and start livingApr 15, 2019Apr 15, 2019
InThe Writing CooperativebySam OchsteinThree Keys for Writing and Publishing ConsistentlyShowing up is half the battleJun 3, 20196Jun 3, 20196
Sam OchsteinThe Success Porn is Out of ControlAre there any just normal people doing good, creative, and interesting work?Nov 24, 20213Nov 24, 20213
InAbout Me StoriesbySam OchsteinAbout Me — Sam Ochstein“And he set out, not knowing where he was going . . .” (Hebrews 11:8)Dec 9, 202115Dec 9, 202115
InThe MemoiristbySam OchsteinStandoffWhen a Canadian Goose and truck cross pathsMay 2, 20222May 2, 20222