Sam OchsteinThe Way of Jesus Is The Way of Love and InclusivityI think love and inclusivity are the central virtues of Jesus’s kingdom vision. I’ve thought this for quite a while. And it’s a…Dec 4, 20197Dec 4, 20197
InInterfaith NowbySam OchsteinHow Striving To Be A “Successful” Pastor Nearly Destroyed MeWhat happens when celebrity-status and businessy KPIs infiltrate the churchMar 4, 20202Mar 4, 20202
InInterfaith NowbySam OchsteinLearning to LamentHow the biblical psalms of lament give us permission to rage, wonder, and protest in these uncertain timesOct 5, 20203Oct 5, 20203
InInterfaith NowbySam OchsteinUnfiltered TruthHow the biblical psalms of lament invite us to tell our story with brutal and raw honestyOct 19, 20202Oct 19, 20202
InInterfaith NowbySam OchsteinHope for the FutureHow the psalms of lament encourage us that our pain isn’t the end of the storyNov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Sam OchsteinThe Faith to Doubt | Formerly ReverendWhy wrestling with questions and doubt is more than okay. It’s biblical.Mar 14, 20194Mar 14, 20194
Sam OchsteinHow To Choose A Study BibleThree key questions to help you make an informed decisionJan 9, 20205Jan 9, 20205
Sam OchsteinSome Great Study Bibles to ConsiderAn annotated list of recommendations with a few honorable mentionsJan 17, 2020Jan 17, 2020
Sam OchsteinSome Niche Study Bibles Worth ConsideringAn annotated list of recommendations with a few honorable mentionsJan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020
Sam OchsteinWhen God’s Vengeance and Recompense Are Good News | Formerly ReverendHow Jesus transforms the fire and fury of judgmentDec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
Sam OchsteinWhy I’ve Always Struggled with Life Verses | Formerly ReverendThe darker side of Scripture has tended to resonate more than happy promisesApr 8, 20191Apr 8, 20191
Sam OchsteinHow Christian-Year Spirituality Shapes Us In The Way of JesusThis past Sunday was the First Sunday of Advent. The Christian Year began again. The texts in the Revised Common Lectionary switched to…Dec 3, 2019Dec 3, 2019
Sam OchsteinThe Prophets Were Preachers Not Prognosticators | Formerly ReverendThe difference between forth-telling and future-tellingDec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019
Sam OchsteinThe Scandal of the Savior’s Birth | Formerly ReverendTeen pregnancy, shame, and intrigue, with a dose of the divineDec 23, 2019Dec 23, 2019
Sam OchsteinWhy Christmas Is Just Getting StartedChristmas Day kicks off a 12-day celebration in the Christian liturgical yearDec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Sam OchsteinThe True King RevealedWhy Epiphany is a vital reminder for ChristiansJan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Sam OchsteinWhy We Need Each Other Now More Than EverChristian Ethics in the Age of CoronavirusMar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
Sam OchsteinJesus Pooped (And Other Implications of the Incarnation)Why it matters that Jesus was truly and fully humanFeb 12, 20201Feb 12, 20201
Sam OchsteinConsidering Calvinism: Why We’re Exploring Membership in a Christian Reformed Church |Formerly…Grace, love, acceptance, and community are more important than doctrinal conformityDec 13, 2019Dec 13, 2019