The Golden Rule For Providing Exceptional CS and CX | Formerly Reverend

Sam Ochstein
8 min readApr 3, 2019
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

I work in customer service development for a global manufacturer. So CS (customer service) and CX (customer experience) are constantly on my mind.

I read books about it. Think about it. Develop classes and teach training modules to equip our frontline team members to flourish at it. And I notice it — both the good and not so good — pretty much everywhere I go.

Some data suggest that providing exceptional CS and CX is minimal in retaining customer loyalty and creating brand ambassadors. Maybe so.

However — and much more interesting to me — the same data also suggests that the surest and fastest way for customers to walk and become boisterous brand assassins is to provide crummy CS and CX.

Seems like it would be better for everyone involved if those charged with providing CS and CX did it well. And it doesn’t seem like providing exceptional CS and CX is out of reach for any business or organization. After all, we’re not talking rocket science here.

We’re just talking about treating people well. You know, the way you’d probably want to be treated. In fact, that’s the Golden Rule of providing exceptional CS and CX.

Crumbs and Crud



Sam Ochstein

Former Pastor | Reader | Writer | Walker | Whiskey Lover | Contemplative Extrovert | MMin, MATS